Vixen Hotwife For Young Cock

Apr 10, 2022

Vixen Hotwife For Young Cock

You’re all aware that Annie is a proud Vixen Hotwife. You’re well aware that she rarely misses an occasion to have her mouth, pussy and ass loaded with fresh cock. Her sexploits, on the other hand, are usually planned ahead of time (such as when she gets together with my closest friend) or at the very least when we go out “searching for action.” Some of the hottest periods, on the other hand, seem to appear out of nowhere, as was the case with her most recent experience.

Anie is gorgeous at 39 years old. Long wild brown hair with yellow highlights; 5’7″ or so; 123 lbs. Her shaved pussy tastes like peaches, and her lips were created to suck cock (no lie). Her sex drive is insatiable, and she looks hotter today than she did when she was 25.

Annie has developed a strong need for youthful cock in the previous few months. She normally talks about finding a 24- or 25-year-old to cater to all of her needs, but finding the proper “Bull” has been difficult.

We used to have a 19-year-old lad who lived next door to us with his mother in our neighbourhood. Mark was the quintessential “surfing boy.” He stood about 6 feet tall, with a long, slender frame that was well-defined. He had a deep bronze tan that he maintained throughout the year as a result of all the hours he spent at the beach. He had long, unkempt blonde hair and was usually referred to as a “beautiful boy” by Annie. He was a genuinely nice young man. He was attractive and intelligent, and he knew it, so he was cocky at times, but he was always respectful to me and my wife. I always looked forward to conversing with him, and I know Annie did as well.

Mark and his pals were always hosting outdoor parties (his mother was never home), and Annie and I had stopped by a few times to say hello. She adored the undivided attention the little lads lavished on her, as well as the constant “MILF” murmurs. Annie was not a shy person. He’d usually be wearing nothing but a pair of surf shorts and no shirt (as were most of the boys). Annie, of course, loved wearing a pair of Daisy Dukes and a bikini top or something similar to go over there. Nothing came of it except some innocent flirtation, but I could tell she was growing increasingly enamoured with our young neighbour. She had dreamt about him from time to time (during our love making), and for a while had taken to yelling out Marks name as she orgasmed. We both knew nothing would ever happen because it was so close to home, but it was a fantastic fantasy.

Unfortunately, summer came to an end, and Mark left for college. His mother eventually relocated out of state, and I assumed we’d seen the last of him. Until last Sunday night, that is. It was around 8:00 p.m., and Annie and I were on our back porch, closing down the weekend. She was only wearing a pair of Victoria’s Secret “boy short” underwear and a pretty see-through thin white shirt because it was fairly secluded. We were sipping Sangria, and I was getting a kick out of seeing her eat the booze-soaked fruit. She knew she was tormenting me, but I could tell she was thinking the same thing I was: “Let’s go inside and screw,” as evidenced by her obviously exposed nipples and a damp spot on her panties.

We both grumbled as we heard the doorbell ring. I assured her she didn’t have to worry about it because I was going to get rid of whoever it was. I entered the house and pushed open the front door. Mark  was standing there. He was bare-chested and wearing nothing but his surfer shorts and flip-flops, as is his custom. He stated as I let him in that he was out of school for the summer and in town to see some pals. He decided to pop in to say hello and tell us all about school as he was driving by. He stated he couldn’t wait to see Annie as I escorted him through the house to the back terrace. I told him she would be overjoyed to see him and that she might not let him go. I considered informing her of his impending arrival so she could change into something more presentable, but then I thought to myself, “What’s the fun in that?”

I said to Annie as we passed through the back door,

“Take a look at what the cat brought in.”

She squealed with delight when she saw him.

“Mark, Take a look at you. What a pleasant surprise!”

Annie sprung from her chair, dashed over to him, and encircled his neck with her arms. She rose to her tippy-toes and kissed him on the lips with a short (but not altogether dry) kiss. Mark wrapped his arms around her waist and drew her in close to him. I was fully aware that her nipples (the right of which is pierced) were up on Marks naked chest as they embraced hello, with nothing between them save her “barely-there” tight blouse. As my wife and the boy tried to burst through the thin cloth, you could clearly see her nipples and the contour of her nipple ring.

Annie looked down at herself and said she should definitely go change, so I think she remembered what she was wearing (or not wearing). I quickly added that it was quite hot outside, and that Mark had already seen her in a bikini, so what was the difference?

“All right,” she said. I’ll leave this on if you don’t mind.”

Mark chuckled and said he didn’t mind at all and that she looked great.

Annie returned to her seat, and Mark and I took the two chairs in front of her. I offered to fetch him something to drink, but Annie taunted that he couldn’t have any of the Sangria because he wasn’t 21 yet. She said that if he was a good boy, she might let him eat the fruit.

He looked her in the eyes (forcefully averting his gaze from her breasts) and murmured,

“Oh, I’ll be a good guy,” said the boy.

Annie reached into her glass with two fingers and drew out a Sangria-soaked orange. Mark instantly slipped it between his lips and licked the fruit off the skin once she delivered it to him. The orange juice dripped down his chin and into his mouth, so Annie grabbed her finger and wiped it clean, starting at his lips and working her way down to his chin. She then put the same finger to her mouth and sucked the remaining of the juice down. It was incredible how, in a matter of minutes, the sexual tension on that deck had built up to the point where it could be cut with a knife.

We sat there for a few moments, none of us knowing what to say, until Annie broke the atmosphere by instructing me to bring the youngster a glass and pour him some Sangria. She warned him that if he got drunk, he’d have to sleep on our couch.

Things appeared to calm down a little as we sat about sipping Sangria and catching up on what had happened since we last saw him. Mark discussed his classes (all of which were terrible) and the fraternity he had joined. Annie had put one of her legs out to me and I was stroking her foot at some point during the chat. She’d let out a little moan every now and again and tell me how amazing it felt. She stated I just had to massage the second foot (since it was neglected) after about ten minutes, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t get herself in a comfortable enough position to let me in.

“Hell, you don’t mind,” she eventually murmured, looking up at Mark.

She reached out her leg to him and put her foot against his thigh. We had her sitting in a “wishbone” position, with her legs wide and one foot on each of our laps. We attempted to keep the conversation going, but the joy of having two men (or one man and one boy) stroking her feet was too much for her to concentrate. She’d stretched her head back over her chair and was purring openly in response to our strokes. Mark complimented her hotwife anklet, and she and I both laughed when she informed him that if he only understood what it signified, he would love it.

I realised the pitcher of Sangria had run dry, so I excused myself to go make another batch. Before returning to the deck, I decided to slip upstairs and peek out the back window to see what had happened while I was gone. An extremely sexy scene was presented to me. Annie’s legs were now extended out in front of her, facing Mark. He was massaging her thighs when she pulled her chair closer to him. He concentrated his attention on the insides of her thighs. His fingers would travel to the very top of her thigh, then back down to her calf just as he was about to reach her pussy. One of her feet was plainly resting on his lap at this point. She curled her toes and brushed them all the way down the shaft of his cock, all the way to his balls. I could see him adjusting himself to give her better access, and both of their heads were hung back over their chairs by this point. After a few minutes of watching this, I realised my own cock was rock hard. While seeing my wife rub this boy’s cock and balls with her foot, I unzipped my pants and started rubbing myself. Annie then placed both of her feet on either side of his shaft. With her feet, she was almost yanking him out of his shorts.

I knew that if I kept watching my wife show our ex-neighbor what a Vixen Hotwife she truly was, and rubbing my own cock, I was going to climax sooner rather than later. So, with a fresh pitcher of Sangria in my hands, I zipped up and went back downstairs and out on the terrace; hard-on and all.

They must have entirely forgotten that I was still alive, since I astonished them both when I returned. Annie jumped and yanked her legs away from Mark, bringing her knees up against her tits. Mark, on the other hand, made no attempt to conceal his erection. When I noticed the size of his cock through his shorts, I almost did a double-take. I knew there was no way my wife was going to let this boy leave without fucking her at that point. As I poured another glass of water for all three of us, I saw that my wife appeared to be quite thirsty. Annie was a nervous wreck. Her face was crimson red and her breathing was shallow. Annie looked at me as Mark grabbed for his drink and just shrugged her shoulders as if to say,

“Please accept my apologies, honey.” I simply must have him.”

With a devilishly naughty grin on her face, she turned to Mark and murmured,

‘Would you like more of my oranges?”

She deftly removed her shirt over her head, reached into the pitcher for an orange, and squeezed it onto one, then both, of her nipples. Marks mouth hung open, and he could only say,


I gave him “the nod” when he looked across at me.

He started with her pierced nipple, delicately tracing her areola with his tongue before swallowing the whole nipple into his mouth. He did the same thing to her other tit, reaching down and rubbing her married pussy through her lingerie shorts while he did so. Annie drew his head towards her cleavage and allowed him to lick and suck her tits. She then drew his lips to hers and sucked on his tongue. Marks hands were all over my lovely wife now that they were both standing. He grabbed her ass with one hand down the back of her shorts, while the other stroked her pussy with the other. They were acting like high school students. Annie was fiddling with the snap on the front of his shorts and tracing his lips with her tongue.

She gave him a direct stare and stated,

“You know, darling guy, if I let you eat my fruit, it’s only right that you do the same and let me eat yours.”

He stutters a little, but reaches down into his glass and pulls out an apple slice. He handed it to Annie, but she simply shrugged and replied,

“This isn’t quite what I had in mind.”

She then proceeded to go down on her knees in front of him and slide his shorts down to his ankles over his ass. As she released his 20-year-old cock, it shot up and out and slammed up against her cheek because he wasn’t wearing any underpants. His cock was magnificent, and I was right. It had to be eight inches long and as thick as my wrist, though I didn’t measure it. She took out her glass of Sangria and poured about half of it over his cock and balls. She then got down to business, doing what she does best. . She’d alternated between teasing the tip of his tongue with her tongue and completely deep throating him down to his balls. She had one hand on his ass and the other gently pumping his balls into her mouth, moving her fingers up and down the crack. Mark had his hands on both sides of her head and was starting to fuck her face in a rhythm. Annie rewarded him by sinking her head below his cock and taking his massive set of balls entirely in her mouth, saying she had no clue how long he had fantasised about this.

It was almost too much for me to see her lick and suck this kid’s balls. I had to physically look away before I came in my pants.

She looked him in the eyes and told him how delicious he was. She then stroked him into her mouth with the tip of his cock on her spread tongue. Then she whispered those magical five words:

“Please, cum in my mouth.”

My filthy wife sucked it up as if she hadn’t had a drink in weeks as the pre-cum started to accumulate on the tip of his dick. The head of Marks cock grew enormous, and he began to cum in buckets without warning. As she proceeded to pull him off into her mouth, Annie caught the first few shoots squarely in the back of her throat. She drank him down till he backed off a little and continued to cum all over her face and tits. He came for what seemed like 45 seconds straight, and Annie was a shambles when he finished cumming. Her hair, forehead, lips, chin, and cheeks were all covered with his cum. His cum was flowing down her tits all the way to her stomach. She popped his still-hard cock back into her mouth and cleaned him with her tongue for good measure. It was a breathtaking sight.

Annie finally stripped off her underwear and stood completely naked in front of her young stud without wiping herself off. She said “It is, without a doubt, my turn.”

She then sat back in her chair, crossed her legs over both arms, and urged him to suck her pussy. Mark knelt beside my Annie and buried his face in her. He was a master, therefore he must have had a lot of practise in college. He’d nibble on her clit while poking her with his thumb. He was bringing her onto his face with his hands underneath her ass. He’d lick her behind and stick his tongue in and out of her pussy till she was on the verge of orgasm. She endured the teasing for a while before grabbing him by the back of the head and shoving her pussy up towards his lips. She screamed and groaned so loudly as she began to cum all over his face that I was scared someone would call the cops. As she shuddered and shook with desire, he licked and slurped up her juices.

She grabbed Marks  hand and led him into the house before I realised what was going on. Annie turned to face me as I followed and remarked,

“Honey, he’s going to fuck me in our bed.” Come take a look.”

Annie had Mark lie down on his back on our bed once we were in the bedroom. She took a condom from the nightstand and rolled it over his massive cock. She went up on his thighs and guided his hardness inside of her as she faced him. She’d let out a deep moan as each inch of his cock disappeared into her pussy. She informed him she was going to take him ball deep, and she was soon doing just that. She was now riding him like a mechanical bull, bouncing up and down on his cock. He was tormenting her nipples with his hands on her tits, and she was reaching around and teasing his balls with her fingers. Mark responded by kissing Annie’s nipples once more as she bent over him with her tits in his face. Annie began to up her speed, and after about five minutes, she began her evening’s second shattering orgasm. She confessed to him that she was cumming all over his enormous cock. Her entire body was convulsing in what appeared to be ecstatic lightning bolts.

Mark slid out from under her and flipped her over onto her stomach. As he approached her from behind, he forced her to get down on all fours. For nearly an hour, he fucked her like this. He’d fuck her slowly and deeply for a time before pounding her forcefully. She begged him not to stop all the time. He’d slap her on the behind now and again, and when he inquired whether she liked being fucked like a married slut, it pushed her over the brink once more. He withdrew out of her pussy and inserted his cock into her ass as she started cumming for the third time. I couldn’t believe how quickly she sank his full cock into her ass. The orgasm she was experiencing grew to epic dimensions. I can honestly say that I have never seen my wife cum for as long, as loudly, or as well as she does now. Mark yanked himself out of her ass and removed his condom as she continued to tremble. He began to cum all over her thighs and ass. He landed on her back, and spread to the back of her neck.

They were both exhausted and flopped on the bed. Mark was about the happiest guy I’d ever encountered, and the little Vixen Hotwife had excelled herself once more. We lingered for a while longer, but he eventually left an hour later. I’m certain he will inform his friends about his latest conquest. Annie gets pretty turned on by the notion that there are a bunch of 19 and 20 year olds in town who are well aware of her status as a Vixen hotwife ; and that anything is possible.

By the way, Mark has accepted our invitation to spend some of his winter break with us. Annie is ecstatic. Although he was camera shy this time, I’ll see what I can do next time to capture some photographs.

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