Surprise Orgy Birthday Party

Mar 25, 2022

Surprise Orgy Birthday Party

It was getting close to six o’clock. Jason took a third look at his wristwatch. “Honey? Are you about ready? “From the stairwell, he yelled out to her. He laughed quietly to himself. Denise had spent well over an hour primping herself. That wasn’t necessarily a bad thing; she was simply nervous. And she wasn’t anxious about picking the appropriate clothing for the evening because she wouldn’t be wearing one.

“Hold your horses!” said. Denise, She reminded him, “We don’t even have to be there until seven!”

Surprise Orgy Birthday Party

Brian, Jason’s long-time best buddy, was going to throw the best surprise birthday party of his life. When Brian’s wife Jackie initially mentioned it as a joke in passing, it appeared like nothing more than a prank, a concept that seemed ridiculous yet more than just amusing. She’d came over for coffee on a Saturday, as she did on a regular basis. When Jason came down the stairs to get a cup of coffee before heading out to play golf with Brian, he and Denise were laughing uncontrollably at something at the breakfast table.

“What’s the big deal?” he’d inquired.

They were as diametrically opposed as darkness and day. Denise was just over five feet tall, with short reddish brown hair and green eyes. Jackie, on the other hand, was a good six feet tall, possibly an inch shorter than Jason. Her hair fell well past her shoulders, and she was a typical blue-eyed blonde.

Jason smiled as he sipped his coffee, appearing to be uninterested in their talk until Denise burst out laughing once more. His wife had boobs huge enough to bounce when she laughed, and if anyone had boobs big enough to bounce when she laughed, it was his wife. Another evident difference between the two was Jackie’s smaller breasts, which meant she rarely, if ever, wore a bra when she was around. That’s exactly what she wasn’t wearing right now.

Jackie had answered, “Oh nothing really.” “Brian had told me over a week ago that he didn’t want a normal surprise party. You know how much he despises them. He’d previously stated that the only kind of surprise party he’d love would be if everyone showed up in their own birthday suits!”

The females were giggling again, this time at the notion of it.

“Wouldn’t it be hilarious if we actually did it?” Expressed Jason.

“Oh yeah, I could picture Carol and Bob doing something along those lines.” “Well, you never know honey,” Jason said as he reached for one of the fresh pastries on the tray in front of them. “You know Carol, if there was ever an exhibitionist, she’d be the first to volunteer.”

“That may be true, but Bob would never do such a thing. You’re well aware of his prim and correct demeanour.”

Jason laughed as he pondered the situation. “Oh, but if you only knew,” says the narrator.

Bob was the third and final member of their small golfing group. Jason was aware that he had a girlfriend on the side, but according to Bob, Carol had one as well.

“You know, it would be pretty funny,” Jackie said half-jokingly.

“Are you sure you’re serious?” Denise was taken aback.

Jason couldn’t help but add his two cents while standing there. The conversation had suddenly taken on a life of its own. He’d never seen Jackie in the whole, but he’d seen enough of her in some of her more revealing clothes to whet his curiosity.

“If it were my fiftieth birthday, I’d think it was the nicest dang surprise AND gift anyone could offer me!”

“I concur!” Denise was quite aback when Jackie said this while standing. “Jason? When you have an opportunity, tell Bob about it and see what he thinks. Later this afternoon, I’ll visit Carol and Amy, and I’ll ask them whether they’d be willing to go along with it for that reason. Under the circumstances, that would be the best present I could give Brian. He’s got everything else!”

Denise was still stunned by what she was hearing. “Do you realise how incorrigible you two are?”

As he bit into his pastry, Jason could only smile. Denise’s willingness to go along with it said a lot about her.

It was only a short distance down the street to Brian and Jackie’s house. As a result, they started walking. Denise, of course, had a set of keys, so she’d be allowing everyone in while Brian and Jackie were allegedly having a romantic evening at one of Brian’s favourite restaurants.

Surprise Orgy Birthday Party

“Amy and her husband are being picked up by Bob and Carol,” Jason informed his wife. “That way, there won’t be as many cars in the area, and he’ll park theirs down the street in the opposite direction so Brian won’t see it when they get home.”

“It’s all right,” Denise said. “I advised everyone to just sit out back on the patio and wait for us if they arrived before us.” Denise shifted her gaze to her wristwatch. “There’s still plenty of time for all of us to have a few drinks to work up our nerve to actually do this,” she anxiously continued. “I still can’t believe I agreed to this because of the two of you.”

Jason was not about to respond. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

They arrived at the dark house a few minutes later, walking around the back where everyone was waiting for them.

“It’s about time you two showed up!” As expressed by Bob. “We’re thirsty!” exclaims the group.

Bob was several inches shorter than Jason, but he was much stockier without appearing overweight. But it was the man’s hair that stood out the most. It was a natural, almost too flawless white. And, despite the fact that he kept it short, he was instantly identifiable in any throng. Carol, on the other hand, was a fascinating character. Her breasts, while larger than Denise’s, were clearly the result of costly modifications. And Jason had been invited not only to see them shortly after her surgery, but also to feel them, all for the goal of her being able to demonstrate to everyone how fantastic a job her physician had done. And Jason had to admit, they were quite pleasant.

Amy and her husband Greg, on the other hand, would have to win the prize for weirdest marriage if there was such a thing. Greg had played football in college and even in the pros until he was involved in a vehicle accident and lost his leg. You wouldn’t know it by looking at him or the way he walked. Greg, despite his height of six and a half feet, was still a large, strong man. Amy, on the other hand, was a pixie in every way. She was even shorter than Denise, and her narrow, almost too skinny little frame, near if not quite flat-chested with brilliant red, precisely cropped hair and an equally slim oval face, made her look almost boyish. Amy, on the other hand, had the biggest, brightest, most gorgeous blue eyes Jason had ever seen on a woman. And it was only natural for them to be that way.

Denise fidgeted with the patio lock for a few moments before leading everyone inside. She reminded everyone, “We need to turn out the lights.” With the full moon shining brightly inside, the reflection provided just enough light for the girls to see by as they swiftly started to work setting out the party favours that Jackie had tucked away earlier. Jason was tasked with raiding the booze cabinet, which he did practically immediately, to to the amusement of Greg and Bob.

Greg began, “You know.” “This will be as much a gift for us as it will be for Brian!” Greg was beaming from ear to ear as he returned his gaze to the women, who were frantically setting out the cake, plates, cutlery, and a few novelty items that Jackie had ordered for later that evening. The females exchanged whispered tones before chuckling.

“Do you believe they’re as enthusiastic as we are?” Bob pondered the wisdom of reaching down inside his pants to re-adjust his position. “From the way they’re behaving, you’d assume they might be.”

Denise seemed less apprehensive on the way there, even giggling when the girls had a brief look at one of the party games Jackie had picked up at the last minute, Jason had to admit. A grown-up version of ‘pin the tail on the donkey,’ with two life-size stand-ups of a naked man and woman, san’s personal body parts, which people would try to place in the most appropriate location.

“Wait a minute…almost it’s time!” Denise sent a warning to everyone. “They should be here in ten to fifteen minutes,” says the narrator.

Greg snickered lustfully, “I guess it’s time we all got nude then.”

When the girls went into the rear bedroom to remove their clothes, Jason found it amusing that the guys merely stripped down in the main room. Not only did Greg strip down to his birthday suit, but he also took off his artificial leg, leaving him perfectly balanced on one leg while leaning against the couch for support.

“Hey! It is the leg that counts “He’d murmured to Jason, who was staring at the vacant limb, as he’d caught him glancing at it. “There are no accessories included with a birthday suit.”

“Unless, of course, you had a dick as big as yours!” Bob cracked a joke. “It appears like they removed the incorrect leg! You might use the one between your legs to replace the one you lost!” Bob continued to make fun of him.

Greg blushed as he said, “Very funny.” “You’re simply envious.”

“Yes, I am envious! And you’d better be careful where you point that thing, or having it anywhere near Carol for that matter. When she sees that, who knows what she’ll do!”

“Maybe, but Amy is tough as hell, despite her diminutive stature. Unless Amy agreed, Carol would have her hands full with that one.”

“Would she?” Jason inquired enquiringly. Greg’s grin remained unabated.

“I suppose we’ll find out, won’t we?” says the narrator.

Denise and Amy walked into the living room with their hands covering as much ground as possible, while Carol simply sauntered in as if she were strolling down the red carpet at a premiere.

“So, where should we hide?” says the narrator. Bob was the one who inquired.

The big ‘L’ shaped couch acting as a room divider from the main living room to a modest step-up into the formal dining area was an obvious decision. Denise offered, “There’s enough space, we can all get behind it, then leap up and exclaim surprise as they enter into the room.”

It was an excellent idea because both the front door and the garage area entrances led to the living room. Regardless of the way they entered, the only option was to hide behind the couch. They heard the garage door open a few seconds later.

“All right, everyone, they’ve arrived!” Denise made an unnecessarily long statement. She also advised, “So quiet!”

Denise knelt half-heartedly on one side of Greg, while Carol knelt on the other. She caught her breath as she looked over, having caught herself staring at the monster dangling between Greg’s legs, for even in the dim light, she could see Carol gently fondling his semi-flaccid penis. She was stunned at first, but as she watched, she realised she was witnessing a bit of dirty play that Greg was clearly enjoying, and the idea that she was experiencing anything like this was highly sensual to her. She was so engrossed in her thoughts that it took her a second to notice that the lights in the room had turned on.

“Surprise!” exclaimed everyone seconds afterwards.

Brian’s facial reaction was spot on. Jason was alerted by a quick flash, indicating that someone else had obtained it as well.

“Going out to your favourite restaurant for supper, then returning home to find your pals waiting for you. Seeing them buck-naked exclaim “surprise” Priceless!” To everyone’s surprise, Jason cracked a joke. That’s when he noticed Brian was still staring, almost shocked, but not at the group as a whole, but at something. Jason swivelled, his head turning naturally towards the direction of Brian’s pointed gaze. Greg was standing on one leg, his big, erect, hard and strong prick protruding directly in front of him.

“‘Is that a banana in your pocket?’ would be a reasonable question at this point. Or are you simply relieved to see me? Except in this case, I almost wish it had been the banana “Brian smiled at their mutual buddy.

Greg was flushed profusely, the tension rising until Amy, of all people, burst out laughing. “I had a feeling this was going to happen,” she chuckled. “I warned Greg that with all this female skin, he’d be prone to getting an erection and humiliating himself!”

“Except honey, I know exactly what caused it to get that way in the first place!” Denise exclaimed.

“Hey! Where do you believe you’ll end up?” Jackie was about to enter the kitchen when Bob spotted her.


“Each and every one of us…” Even as his own penis began to develop, Bob said, extending his hands, indicating everyone else, “is dressed up as if it were our birthday suits. And, given the circumstances, I believe it is only fair that the two of you join the celebration “His cock stood nodding its swollen purple head in accord as he finished.

“They’re right, honey!” Brian stated as he started to undress. “Obviously, you were involved in this, so it’s only right…and fair that if I get to see all these women and you get to see all these…well, shall we say, fast developing cocks here, that we join them as well?”

Jackie blushed but consented, swiftly stripping off her clothes until everyone was naked in front of each other.

“I believe the party may now officially commence!” Bob proclaimed as he returned to the bar, his prick leading the way.

And it had done so. Jason was familiar with Denise. Her inhibitions and self-consciousness about gaining a pound here and there vanished after three glasses of wine. It was incredible to see her, together with Amy, Carol, and especially Jackie, running around naked as if it were the most normal thing in the world to be doing. And he found himself wishing they’d done something like this a lot sooner than now, especially since everyone seemed to be in the same mood as him. Horny! I’m flirty, nude, sexy, and horny. He was ecstatic!

Surprise Orgy Birthday Party

They’d started playing ‘pin the prick on the donkey,’ or rather, ‘pin the prick on the guy,’ as the girls shouted with joy at the occasionally vulgar, even weird consequences. But it was witnessing the girls being blindfolded and twirled around and around before being directed towards the life-size picture that Jason and the rest of the audience were most interested in. As the females were blindfolded, o, it was like seeing a very naked, very delicious looking top spinning. All that female flesh was exposed, breasts swinging and bouncing as they attempted to place the very genuine, very firm appearing fake cocks in their hands somewhere on the photo.

Finally, it was the boys’ turn, and the results were just as amusing, if not more so, as breasts emerged upside down, on the head, and on the face, with Jason managing to put his almost exactly, if slightly lopsided.

“All right, Brian, now it’s the birthday guys’ time!” As she prepared to blindfold him, his wife informed him.

Of course, it had been planned ahead of time. Carol moved softly over to stand immediately in front of the life-sized female cutout as Brian’s wife tightened the blindfold around his head. Carol had been the obvious choice, and she had been more than eager to go along with the additional birthday surprise after Brian had groped her momentarily until detection became clear.

As Brian stood foolishly trying to place the life-sized boobs over bigger than life-sized reality, the moment of awareness became clear once more. When he realised the prank, however, he continued to act as if nothing had happened while openly fondling Carol’s breasts, much to her delight as well as his.

Jason took a quick peek over in Jackie’s way, expecting some sort of response as to whether she was second-guessing her plan, and was taken aback when he noticed her absentmindedly grasping her breast and rapidly fingering her nipple before realising Jason was staring at her. He grinned, smiled, and felt his own prick stiffening, which drew Jackie’s attention. Surprised, he watched as she walked over to him while the rest of the room continued to laugh and encourage Brian to continue touching Carol’s tits.

“I don’t know about you,” she conceded as she spoke, though Jason could see by her slurred speech that the drink was undoubtedly contributing to her newfound lack of shyness. “But this is getting me fucking horny!” she said softly into his ear, leaning in almost too close as her hand reached down and caressed Jason’s cock. “Oh…maybe you are, too!” she laughed, before quickly removing her hand before anyone noticed what she’d done.

Brian’s cake was carried out of the kitchen by Denise. Only two candles were lit, a five and a zero. After everyone had sang him “happy birthday,” Jackie appeared, startling Brian and the rest of the party. “Ok, birthday boy, it’s time to blow out the candles and make a wish,” she murmured, reaching down and teasingly stroked his hard prick. Brian reddened but smiled at his wife’s newfound bravado.

“You have no clue what I’d like to wish for right now,” he teased, making the entire room chuckle.

“Oh, I guess I know what you’d wish for,” Jackie said, continuing stroking his manhood with a slow, pleasurable caress. “Isn’t it something you admitted to me in the bedroom?” she pressed.

“Yep! That’s the one I’m talking about! “He confessed.

“Tell us!” they exclaim. Bob sat behind his wife, his hands reaching around to fondle her breasts as he stood with his similarly erect cock pressing against her ass’s cheeks.

“He won’t be able to!” Jackie finally let him go with a laugh. “If he does, it might not happen!”

When Denise came up behind him and gave his ass a swift friendly slap, Brian raised an eyebrow at her suspiciously and began to follow. “Isn’t this when we’re supposed to spank you fifty times?”

“Ouch!” Brian pretended to be someone else. “I suppose you receive something a lot better than spankings when you’re fifty!”

“Oh? And what could it be?” Carol wondered aloud as she reached behind her to fondle Bob’s prick while he stood behind her, discreetly stroking himself against her bare ass.

Brian was clearly undecided about whether or not to respond to her. There was no doubt that the sexual tension had abruptly increased, therefore he spoke without hesitation.

“I think this calls for something a little more special than fifty slaps on the ass, more like fifty licks of the cock!”

Jackie erupted with laughter. “He’s always fantasised about having me suck him off in front of someone,” Jackie said.

“And? So, why don’t you try it?” Greg eventually spoke up. Jackie locked her gaze on him.

“You know what I mean? You make a good point…why not?” She burst out laughing. “He’s always wanted me to do that, and today would be the perfect time, as long as no one takes offence,” she quickly added, turning to Denise.

“Don’t look at me, honey!” Denise was the first to speak. “You are free to blow out your man’s candle in front of the entire room. Brian, on the other hand, I don’t think he’d make it to fifty! “As she spoke, she surprised Jason with a remark.

He asked, “Wanna bet?” “I’m inclined to bet he does,”

“You’re up and running. Let’s say the winner gets to tell the loser that they have to do whatever they’re told one night.”

Jason laughed and flung his head back. “Oh, my baby! You have no idea what you’re getting into. You’re on, though!”

Jackie had already gotten down on her knees in front of her husband. “Damn! Are you sure you’re going to do this?” he inquired, puzzled.

She replied wickedly, “Baby, tonight I’m in the mood to do just about anything.” “So enjoy it, honey, because I may have regrets tomorrow, but I don’t have any right now!”

She sucked and dragged her husband’s firm, stiff cock between her lips. “That’s it!” exclaims the narrator. Greg counted the number of people who burst out laughing. “Oh yeah…and that’s two!” he continued counting as everyone watched, a little astonished, as Jackie carried out her adventurous quest, slowly and almost torturously licking Brian’s prick.

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