My Vixen Hot Wife’s First Share

May 22, 2022

My Vixen Hot Wife’s First Share

We’ve been married for a decade. For all intents and purposes, ten years is a fine number. Met in college, shared all of life’s basic experiences, had fun, got jobs, married, and had two children. The normal pro social life.

Only one problem: the sex was old. The same old tale. It became monotonous and mundane.

Then, about a year ago, I finally got her to acknowledge she had considered having sex with other men. She had always maintained the traditional feminine posture of quiet, believing that my fragile ego couldn’t take what I knew to be true. My dick isn’t particularly long. Before Becky, I’d had a few lovers, and a few of them remarked that my 6″ cock was shorter than those they’d had. It’s never troubled me because I’ve always known I have a particularly thick cock, which all of my prior lovers have admired. However, my wife acknowledged to having an interest in length.

The second thing she eventually said was that she wished she could have a bigger cock in her little little pussy. The enormous dildo we used on occasion was her favourite, and the real thing is always better. She only had to admit she was thinking about other men. People have fantasies about other people. I knew she did it, and we’re both normal. Everyone wonders what it might be like to fuck someone else. Her admission, at the very least, allowed us both to indulge in fantasy and contemplation.

Particularly my lovely wife. Very clean, courteous, and kind. Stay-at-home mom, as adorable as a bug. Great tiny ass with red hair down the centre of her back, brilliant blue eyes, freckles, and a red, perfectly trimmed pussy that I’m so proud of that I’ve texted pictures of it to my friends without telling them who it was. She’s just adorable. Not “hot,” but the kind of endearing natural beauty that doesn’t require any cosmetics or jewellery. Every normal man fantasises about laying around with the All-American natural lady next door MILF. If I had a dollar for every time a friend got drunk and admitted a desire to fuck my wife I would be a very rich man.

Anyway, my shy, reserved Becky finally said she was curious about having sex with another man. Especially since I was only her second boyfriend. She had another student in college before me, but I was the second. And, without a doubt, the only one who has explored her nooks and crannies. She lacked a lot of experience. And it was obvious when I first met her.

She had improved. Actually, it’s pretty good. Her blow jobs are fantastic, and the pussy is really tight. Not nearly the pelvic thruster or as active a filthy talker as some of the other women I liked or had, but darn nice all things considered.

Anyway, we discussed who she could fuck and still get away with it. My friend John, who is married to a sexless babe, used to come over for beer and get her all worked up. I’d been thinking about it and had brought it up with John after he heaped praise on my wife one night. He admitted to masturbating to her her several times and desiring to fuck her. I got hard just thinking about it, and when I told Becky she was so turned on, we had some of the finest sex we’d had in a long time. There was a lot of talking, a lot of gasping, admissions of her attraction, and even her sneaking a peek at his endowment as he was pissing off our back porch. I told her how much I wanted to see her take John’s long cock in her tight little pussy, and she gave me numerous terrific orgasms and her. When I asked her what she wanted, she gave me the nasty talk I’d been waiting for: “I want your friend John’s massive dick in my pussy.” “I want him to fuck me with his his long cock !”

My small dick  ached from blowing a load so forcefully.

I attempted to set up that meeting. In fact, one night, I left them alone in the house for over an hour while I took our twins to basket Ball. When I got home, they were anxiously sitting on the terrace, sharing beer and sexual tension was present, but there was no sweaty afterglow. In the last hour and a half, it appears that neither of them had the courage to make the initial move and clinch the deal. That night, though, the nice little housewife rode my short cock all the way down to the base. She was so close to giving me a heart attack. My ever-loving brain were fucked. “Fuck me like a whore!” she screamed and came over to me. Like John would, fuck me! “Get that short dick in my cunt!” Clueless John had done nothing more than set the stage for some of the greatest sex I’d experienced in a long time.

And the poor jerk never got the chance to fuck her. With the demon he married, he was transferred three states away. He still sends us emails, but he has no idea what he missed out on. He’ll see it after I post it since I’ll send him a link. I often think of him as a future fuck for her, because his three-state buffer and married status make him a decent, safe option.

He’ll have to wait, though, because Robert got to my wife’s pussy first.

In school, Robert and I were a year apart. High school, college, and so forth. Buddies, fantastic friends, but life had other plans for us. Becky had a passing acquaintance with Robert while we were dating in college, and she subsequently acknowledged to having a passing attraction to him, which was the catalyst for my finest sexual recollection to date.

We took a brief road trip this summer to go play.  Robert was also free, but his wife was booked, so he asked if he might join them. We readily agreed because we only see him once or twice a month and it would be good to have an old drinking friend around for a few days.

Closing the hotel bar and being ordered to “lock up when you go, you’re on the honour system” evolved into a lengthy night. It feels good to be trusted.

As a result, we drank and caroused till 4:00 a.m. There was a lot of sex talk, open discussions about our sex lives, a lot of flirting and innuendo, and then my sober  wife guided both of our drunk asses up the Marriott’s elevator to a room we agreed to share for the night. I passed out giggling and drunk. I was completely incapable of getting a hard on, let alone a fuck.

The next morning, I awoke with the usual pee hard on, but with a twist. My wife was purposefully massaging it and lightly licking my nipples. As Robert snored in the next bed, she crawled on top of my very erect cock, and I believed we’d be in for a quiet morning fuck without waking our sleeping roommate.

The session began with a few kisses and my eager penis splitting the tight red folds of my wife’s hot and damp pussy. As I worked my hands inside her nightshirt to play with her gorgeous round tits, my hazy head began to clear from the night before. My ten-year-old loving wife leaned in close to my ear right away, her hot breath moistening my ear. “I love you… I want to fuck Robert… now… while you jack off and watch,” she panted into my ear, breaking the silence of our dimly lit hotel room.

In all honesty, I was on the verge of slipping into her pussy right then and there. I was on the edge of climax at the prospect of her actually carrying out what had previously been nothing more than a fantasy. I told her she was more than free to fuck him, and that while I would enjoy myself seeing her do it, she needed to be doing it for herself.

Becky first got out of bed and into the bathroom, her white t-shirt barely covering her plump ass. She signalled for me to follow, and I did so as Robert slept soundly. “Check my pussy and make sure it’s clean,” she remarked. I’d like him to eat me, but it has to be clean.” Her beautifully trimmed red bush yielded a dripping moist pussy that had barely opened. “Are you sure you’re good with this?” she questioned again as I wiped it with a warm washcloth and did my damnedest not to cum all over the floor. Do you want to see me fuck your pal? You’re not going to panic out if I get a little more animated with his long penis in me? You’re not going to be envious and weird?”

“I’ve wanted to see you fuck another man for years,” I remarked. It’s made further easier by the fact that it’s someone I know and trust. Fuck him, suck his dick, fuck him good, and then give me your cum-filled pussy to fuck.”

I was rubbing my erect dick against her leg, pre-cum flowing out, while I stroked her clit ever so little as I expressed my approbation. Her breathing was shallow and heavy, as if she was about to collapse. Instead, she pushed me away, wiped my pre-cum off her leg, kissed me again, said “I love you,” and walked out the door.

In the bathroom, I paused for a second. I’m not sure if I should shower and stay inside to give them privacy or if she really wanted me there. I was desperate to see what was going on and hoped my wife would return and tell me to come out. However, she had already forgotten about me. Her shirt was on the floor next to Robert’s bed as I walked out the door, and she was settling down next to him on the queen size bed he’d claimed the night before. He’d just awoken from his thick post-drunk slumber and assumed she was teasing him like we’d done before. Until she got her hands on his cock.

By that moment, I was in our bed. Now I’m in bed. Not 10 minutes prior, I was sharing a bed with my ten-year-old twin boys’ mother and my wife of ten years. Under the brilliant white linens of a 4-star hotel, the cute sweet and innocent raggedy ann doll was now kissing my pal on the neck and plainly stroking what was obviously a lot longer cock than mine.

I could have cut glass with my 6-inch penis. When she turned up to kiss my buddy on the lips and deliver her pert round breasts to his eager mouth, she was wrapped up in my friend’s arms, a little peek of her white ass sneaking out from under the blankets. My main focus was on her silky white back, which was being rubbed by the arms of one of my drinking buddies. They were following her spine back and forth, lingering at the base to caress and massage her flawless buttocks. Then I traced the crack in her ass and began again.

My wife made her way down to the nether regions of her new companion while I lay trying to appear inconspicuous. Working past his slim midsection and down below the beltline, where the left hand that carried my wedding ring clutched a rigid 9″ cock she joyfully gobbled, she chewed his nipples as she had mine for the preceding ten years. My lips, which I had just kissed, were now expertly wrapping around the shaft of another man. My wife was sucking another man’s dick in the bed next to mine, fully aware that I was caressing my own little penis and resisting the need to come. While I couldn’t tell for sure, I knew Becky had bottomed out on Robert’s long cock and was now holding his balls in her palm based on Robert’s gasp and the soft arch of his back. Rob was about to get a wet finger in his ass and some serious head at that time.

My view was now limited to my wife’s back and ass, with a full glimpse of her lovely red hair as she bobbed her head up and down on her first strange cock in well over a decade. Robert finally looked at me at that point. “Is this okay?” he asked, his eyes wide with surprise. I assured him that everything was alright and that he should go. I had to repeat my guarantee because he merely gazed at me in bewilderment. I encouraged him to fuck my wife with a nod and a half-hand movement. To make advantage of her, to relish her sexual abilities. And he succeeded. His pelvis began to move slightly upwards in response to my wife’s bobbing head motions. My wife’s eager waiting mouth was pierced by his lengthy firm cock. She gagged, backed off a few times, but she always went back to sucking it. Sucking on another man’s dick.

Before they could completely fuck, I was convinced Robert would blast his load in my wife’s mouth. “I want you to eat my pussy and fuck me,” the newfound cockwhore said as he backed away from his soaking wet member and slid over onto her back. “I’d like to have you within me.” As she mouthed the words, I splattered all over my sheets. The place I’d been using to cover my masturbating hand was smeared with large splashes of come. Becky and Robert were too enamoured with one another to notice.

I began to hear my wife groaning as I lay back and closed my eyes, recovering and trying not to black out from the tremendously intense orgasm. At first, gently, then more forcefully. Rhythmically. Gutturally. When I regained enough composure to look at Robert’s bed – now his and my wife’s bed – the sight of his shaggy head between my wife’s ivory thighs hardened my flaccid member instantaneously. I was back to stroking my cum-sticky cock in no time. My second masturbation session was lubricated by the fluid from the orgasm my wife had generated with her whorish demands of the married man eating her snatch. My gaze returned to the sweating face of my formerly innocent bride as I stroked my 6″ dick and marvelled at the scene before me.

As my companion masterfully ate her pussy, she grinned distractedly in my direction. I was hoping she’d say something to me, but evidently my childhood friend discovered my wife’s clit around the same time. Her lithe back arched just enough to offer the clit only I had ever aroused to a completely new and different lips. Loud moans and hard pelvic thrusts of my wife’s pussy over her new lover’s willing face resulted from her arched back. My wife’s screaming orgasm quickly turned into a painful shriek of “Eat it Robert!” after what seemed like only seconds. “I’m coming!”

Robert had slipped a finger inside my wife’s waiting slit and massaged her G-Spot while expertly manipulating her bright red clit, I realised. I knew he’d also put a small finger into her clean sphincter and was tickling all three locations at the same time. I knew it because that was the approach I used to get my wife to climax orally, the method I’d told him about, and her favourite stimulant – barring a firm penis – and now she was cumming hard all over another man’s face.

Another glob of cum was bubbling in my well-stroked cock as the sound of my wife’s voice complimenting another man for making her come. As Robert lifted his moist face from my wife’s married pussy, I pinched the vein under my dick and forced the orgasm to stop. Her wetness, his saliva, the evidence of her first real orgasm in a long time… it was all mixed up with his devilish smirk.

Robert started going up, discreetly wiping his face with the sheet and saying, “I love the taste of pussy,” before kissing my wife full-mouthed and hungrily. She responded by saying “You are incredible.” “I want you inside of me, I want you to fuck me with your long dick,” my wife said, which was an understatement at the very least.

Robert moved by into position almost painfully slowly, kneeling between my wife’s beautiful legs and toned thighs. He made my wife jump by quickly rubbing her clit with his finger, then placing the head of his much longer tool at the opening of her sloppy, newly devoured pussy. Becky moved up to meet him as he penetrated her, the length of his dick slid in easily. I embraced him in an embrace and posture I’d felt but never seen before. Her powerful runner’s legs clamped around the base of his spine just above his ass as her arms wrapped around his muscular back, the diamond on her wedding ring gleaming vividly on his tan skin. His cock, which was three inches longer than mine, was now exploring places of her tiny pussy that I’d only touched with a dildo. He was shoving his dick further inside my wife than I’d ever been able to get it. And the thought of that still gives me the creeps.

They rocked back and forth, rhythmically connected. As much as her legs tight around him would allow, he used the entire length of his cock. “That feels so amazing, so deep,” she said repeatedly as she moaned lightly with each sinking stroke. The next few minutes were filled with sweat, deep passionate kisses, pleasure-filled sighs, and whispered lover’s discourse too light for me to hear.

Robert’s breathing took on that familiar tone just when I thought my rock hard – and now impotent – cock would explode. He was going to enter my wife’s room. With her legs, she let go of his grip and extended her thighs wide to receive his strong hammering assaults. Robert was beyond description, sweat streaming from his head and chest onto my once-prudish wife’s pristine white face and chest. As he worked up to the peak she’d denied him with her tongue, their fluids mingled on and in each other. My wife’s moans of delight reached a frantic pitch as Robert pounded her pussy. Robert, come in deep!” she yelled. I’d lost my concentration masturbating because I was so intrigued by the image of this long-dicked friend giving my wife the fucking she so rightly deserved. “I’m coming!” Roberts moaned loudly as his thrusts reached their peak. And I sank that dick as far as it would go inside my wife. She screamed the classic ecstasy/pain/finality scream that we all seek to elicit from our carnal conquests. Both of them clung to each other in final confirmation of the act they’d just completed, neither of them wanting to separate from the union of sexual touch they’d just experienced. And Becky, had scratched a set of four-finger blood tracks in his back. Visual effects and haunting reminders of his outstanding performance as the only other person to rape my wife in over a decade.

They lay there for several minutes, kissing and sweating, as I sat back and thought about what had just transpired. Obviously, neither of us could pretend it hadn’t happened, and I had no regrets or concerns about our relationship’s future. We have by far the most powerful relationship I’ve ever witnessed between humans. And this experience has only served to bolster it. In the months that followed, our sex life was amazing.

Robert and Becky have now been together three times since this incident. I was in the room once, but not the last two times. Each time, Becky and I have felt better when she’s through. They fuck in our house, and she takes her ravaged and cum-filled pussy to my bed, just as in the hotel, so I can probe the depths where my friend has just been. As another man’s cum mingles in her pussy, I enjoy fucking my wife. She gives me a rundown of the evening’s events, and I immediately become hard and horny,

Robert and I still hang out, drink together when he comes to town, and are thinking about buying a boat together. His wife is completely unaware that my wife and he are having an affair, which is ideal. We knew we had to find her a lover who stood to lose just as much as she did if they ever spoke. Single men were never an option – unless they were random strangers – and we’re still thinking about who she’ll pick next.

Erotic Story Vixen Hotwife FFM Fun

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