A Stag and Vixen Lifestyle Story
^^^Some useful definitions^^^
Stags: Men who enjoy having other men fuck their women.
Vixen: A woman who has sex with men other than their husbands or boyfriends with their full permission. If she does it on her own, she gives her man all the dirty details. Some Vixens have sex with their man in the room watching. The Stag usually doesn’t participate.
Bull: The other man. Sometimes called ‘The Lucky Fucker!’
“Why do all our conversations turn to sex?” Susie complained.
She was hanging out with three girlfriends. All were married with children and in their thirties. Susie, a mother of two, was the youngest, having just turned thirty.
^^^Earlier that night^^^
For her birthday, her BFFs had planned a girls’ night out. They wanted to take Susie to a place with male strippers. She nixed that idea, and instead, they went to a club where they danced and drank for hours.
An Uber returned them to their starting point: Susie’s house.
“I’m not ready to go home,” Bree whined. “I’m drunk and having too much fun!”
“Me too,” Dakota said. “Nothing’s waiting for me there, but three snotty-nosed children and a fat husband.”
“Our husbands were fit and trim when we married them,” Taylor said, ” and now they’re flabby, and they snore. My husband has more hair growing out of his nose and ears than he has on the top of his head.” She went to her friend’s liquor cabinet, opened the door, pulled out a bottle, and shouted, “I found the tequila!”
The other guests hurried over, glass in hand, wanting more alcohol. Susie followed, giving up hope that they would soon leave. She resigned herself to the fact that it’d be a long night.
Their glasses full of high octave tequila, the women sat in the family room.
“Remember how much fun we had in high school and college?” Taylor opined. “How the boys pursued us? They were fit, had a full head of hair, and fawned over us.”
“Yes!” Dakota agreed. “And remember making out for hours? I love to kiss and to be kissed. Now, after ten years of marriage, there are no passionate kisses!”
“You’re going to make me cry,” Bree said. “Brian hardly ever kisses me. In college, I could get fucked every day. Now, it’s once a month, and the days of a rock-hard dick are gone. I swear sometimes I’m not sure if his cock is even inside me.”
Taylor raised her glass and said, “Cheers. At least we had our day in the sun. Some many boys. So many happy memories.”
“Here. Here,” Bree chimed in. The women clinked glasses, and they took a drink.
Dakota sat up straight and said excitedly, “Okay. Time for a game. Truth or tequila. Who was your first, and how many guys have you slept with?”
The other women laughed. Taylor said, “I’ll go first. Justin Rivers took my cherry, and I’ve slept with probably thirty guys. Give or take a forgotten, drunken one-night-stand.”
The others whooped it up. Taylor said, “Bree, how about you?”
“Are we only counting guys or do you want the number of people I’ve slept with?”
“Ohhh. Gives us details,” Dakota demanded.
“I experimented while in college. I hooked up with three women and dated one for a semester.”
“They count,” Taylor said.
“Okay,” Bree said as she counted on her finger. “All together. Eighteen people. And Sharleen McCoy broke my hymen with her fingers followed by a torpedo-shaped vibrator.”
“Oh,” the women cooed, impressed.
All eyes focused on Dakota. She said, “I’m sworn to secrecy on who punched my V-card. I’ve slept with 21 guys.”
“That’s not fair,” Taylor said. “You have to tell us who was your first.”
“It was the weekend you turned eighteen,” Dakota said, looking at Taylor. “We had a sleepover at your house as a cover to go to a big party.”
“I remember,” Taylor said. “We got so blasted.”
“Yes. I got up in the middle of the night to pee and bumped into your older brother. He had to use the bathroom too. We were both drunk and decided to go in together. I watched him pull out his dick and pee. Then, I sat on the toilet and peed. He kidded me about keeping my knees together. I told him If I spread them, my pee goes in all directions. He said, ‘That sounds like bullshit’. And asked to see my pussy.
“I finished, wiped, and flushed. Instead of quickly pulling my panties up like I normally do, I stood and let him have a good look at my trimmed pussy before I pulled my underwear up.
“He was impressed. We washed our hands. He kissed my neck and then my mouth. I sat on the sink while we made out. His hands were all over me, and it felt great. He pulled my panties to the side and slid his dick into me. I lost my virginity to your brother. We dated for the rest of the summer; he boned me three or four times a week until he went away to college. You can’t tell him you know, Taylor. I promised.”
Taylor looked at her friend slack-jawed and said, “Ewe! You did it with Edwin. I think I’m going to throw up.”
“Stop being a drama queen,” Bree said. “I know he’s your brother, but you have to admit Edwin’s cute and has big muscular shoulders.”
“Enough. I don’t want to think about sex and my brother,” Taylor said. She looked at Susie and said, “You’ve been quiet. Spill. Who was your first and how many lovers have you had.”
“Why do all our conversations turn to sex?” Susie complained.
“Stop stalling,” Bree said.
“Yes. Share with us,” Dakota said. “We’re your best friends.”
Susie took a deep breath, released it, and said, “Shane was my first, and he’s the only man or woman I’ve slept with.”
Her BFFs cocked their heads and looked at her with expressions of astonishment.
“One? Just your husband?” Bree said.
“You poor thing,” Taylor said. “You missed out on all the fun.”
Dakota was struck speechless, so she hugged her friend.
“I didn’t know you were that religious,” Bree said.
“It’s not that,” Susie said. “It’s just how things worked out. Shane and I met when I was a sophomore in high school. I had a serious crush on him. We dated and realized that we were over the moon in love, so I never dated anyone else. We knew in our bones our relationship was special. On my eighteenth birthday, we made love.”
She felt like putting her hand on her friends’ chins and closing their mouths. She said, “We dated all through college and got married the month after we graduated. There was no time or need for me to be with other boys.”
The conversation ended, and everyone found a place to sleep.
A couple of days later, Shane said to his wife, “What’s up, buttercup? You look deep in thought.”
“Oh, it’s nothing,” Susie said.
“Are you sure?” he asked. “You’ve been quiet and pensive since the girls’ night out. Did you have a fight with someone?”
“No. It’s just…” her voice trailed off.
“You can tell me anything.”
Susie paused and chose her words carefully. “Do you think about the things you missed out on? The people you might have dated, if not for me? We committed to each other when we were very young.”
“I’ve never regretted loving you. Being with you.”
“Yes, but most people date many people, learn what they like and don’t like, and when they are mature, make an informed choice concerning their life partner.”
“Oh, I see,” Shane said. “You’re right. We missed out on a lot of teenage experiences. Being betrayed, lied to, cheated on, and mistreated. We got lucky. Our first pick was dead on. We won the lottery without the usual bad dates and heartbreak.”
Shane saw her face fall. He recognized that although what he’d said was true, it didn’t comfort her. He tried again. “I love you and I’ve loved you from the beginning. We could play the ‘what if this or what if that’ game until the cows come home and the answer for me would be the same. I love you, and I’ve never thought another woman would be more fun or better. You are the only woman I’ve made love to and I’m okay with that.”
He looked deep into his wife’s eyes and said, “But that me. If you feel different, that’s okay, and, honestly, closer to the norm. Have you been thinking about the road not taken or the boy you didn’t dance with or kiss?”
She nodded. Tears ran down her cheek.
He brushed her tears aside and said, “I don’t hate you. I’m not disappointed or even surprised.”
He kissed her cheek and said, “We started dating when you were sixteen. Being with me meant you didn’t experience a lot of things most teenagers do. You didn’t play spin the bottle, seven minutes in heaven, or go on a lot of dates with cute guys.”
“It’s silly of me. I know,” Susie said. “I love you, our kids, and our life.”
“But you missed out on things, and it gnaws on you,” Shane said. She nodded.
“You know that your happiness means everything to me, and your feelings are not without merit. I think we should address them because ignoring small problems allows them to fester and grow into big problems. You should date, kiss men, and sleep with them.”
“I can’t go on dates. I’m married!”
Shane looked her in the eyes and said, “You are brave to confess your truth. Let me tell you one of my peccadillos. I watch porn.”
“Ha!” she laughed. “That’s no revelation. You sit beside me on the sofa, and look at naked women, making no effort to hide the screen, At first, it upset me, but my friends explained men are visual creatures who like to look.
“My friend, Carol, the psychologist, said it’s an in-grain behavior. Just as dogs will always notice cats, men will notice women. The issue is what happens next. You don’t bark and chase women down the street, so I don’t let it upset me.”
They laughed.
“Have you noticed what type of porn I like?”
“The naked type,” she said and chuckled. “How many types are there? Once I was satisfied that it wasn’t anything weird or violent or involving under-aged girls, I stopped paying attention.”
“I’m a voyeur. I like downblouse and upskirts videos. I like seeing topless and nude women on the beach.”
“So that’s why we honeymooned Orient Beach on St. Martin!”
“Yes. I was so happy when you got naked on the beach!”
“We were young; I’d been drinking. It was fun, and once we got back to our room…”
“The sex was great!” Shane said. They shared a laugh and a kiss.
“My ultimate fantasy would be seeing you naked and having sex with other men.”
“Yes. Seeing you naked and happy would make me happy.”
“You wouldn’t be angry or jealous?”
“No. You are the most beautiful woman in the world to me. I’d rather watch you having sex than some porn actress I don’t know, and seeing another man enjoying you would confirm that my wife is beautiful and sexy. Maybe I’m overconfident or have an overblown opinion of myself, but while I think you’ll enjoy being with other men, but you’ll return to me.”
“You’re my man,” she said. Her voice was full of emotion. They kissed.
Shane said, “Do you know that 1960’s Motown song ‘Save the Last Dance for Me’?”
She closed one eye and tilted her head in thought. Shane stood, had her stand, and embraced her. He slow danced as he sang,
“You can dance every dance with the guy
Who gives you the eye, let him hold you tight
You can smile every smile for the man
Who held your hand beneath the pale moon light
But don’t forget who’s takin’ you home
And in whose arms you’re gonna be
So darling, save the last dance for me.”
She giggled and said, “I like this song. Of course, you have to go to the oldies station to find it.”
“I’d feel like a king, powerful and successful, if I got to see you have sex with another man, leave his bed, and come to mine.”
“Huh” she grunted, and stared at his face.
“You know, I’m not the first guy to admit he’d like to see other men fuck his wife. In the world of porn, there are thousands, probably tens of thousands, of videos on this subject.”
Yes.” He laughed and added, “I know you have other things to focus on so you might have missed the article I read online about stags and vixens.”
“Stags and vixens? A stag is a male deer, and isn’t a vixen a female fox? Were you reading a hunting magazine? What’s that have to do with what we’re talking about?”
“Words can have more than one meaning. A vixen is a fox, and it is also used to describe a sexy woman. The article I was reading was about men who want to watch their wives have sex with other men. These men are called ‘stags’.”
“Aren’t they called cuckolded men?”
“It depends on the situation. If the woman has sex outside her relationship in secret or to be spiteful and to humiliate the man, he’s a cuckold. If the woman does it with her partner’s knowledge and encouragement, he’s a stag. A stag is a man who gets a thrill out of watching other men have sex with his woman.”
“Oh. So other couples are doing this. How does it work? Do I have sex with both of you?
“Like many things, how we implement it is up to us. You could have intercourse or limit yourself to oral sex. Some stags know where their partner is and who they are with, but aren’t in the room. The vixen gives her man a blow-by-blow description of what happened when she returns home.
“Many stags are in the room and only watch. Or they do minor things, like hold their wife’s hand or kiss her. A few stags take a more active role and have sex with their woman with the other man. They spit roast her or do dual penetration.”
“I see. What were you thinking?”
“As I said, I’m a voyeur. I want to be in the room. I wouldn’t be an active participant. I’d like to sit in the corner and watch.”
He looked into her eyes and said, “I see no reason to limit what you do. After all, the goal is for you to have fun, so suck him or fuck him or both. Do whatever you want to do.”
“Wow. This is a lot to think about. You’d do this for me?”
“I’d do anything to make you happy.”
A couple of days later, after the kids were in bed. Susie came to the family room wearing some see-through lingerie.
“Well, aren’t you sexy,” Shane said.
“I felt like doing something nice for my husband.” She straddled him, kissed him, and let his hands touch her everywhere. After necking, she slid to the floor, freed his cock, and blew him.
“Oh, Baby. You’re the best,” Shane said.
“I love my husband and like to make him happy. Do you want to finish on me or in me?” she asked with a playful twinkle in her eyes.
“In you.”
Susie stood, stripped, and straddled his lap. She grabbed his cock and lowered her body onto it.
“Oh. That’s lovely. It feels wonderful every time you penetrate me,” she said. She rode him as he sat on the sofa. He loved having great access to her lips, breasts, and butt. They came simultaneously as they looked deep into each other’s eyes.
After a restful snuggle, Susie got off her husband and sucked his cock clean. She gathered her sexy outfit and went into the bathroom to wash. She returned wearing her comfy ‘Mom’ pajamas and sat next to Shane. They watched the television.
During a commercial, Susie asked, “The other day, we talked about stags and vixens. How do people find the other man and stay safe? I wouldn’t want him showing up at work or knocking on the front door.”
“The sex partner is called ‘The Bull’. There are many ways to find one and keep your identity secret. We could go places, such as bars, the mall, or museums, and you could approach a guy that appeals to you, talk to him, and invite him to have sex with you.
“Or we could do something online, maybe Twitter or a hook-up app. You could screen them and meet the ones that you’re attracted to and comfortable with. We or I could explain our situation, and if he’s open to doing things our way, you two have sex. If he balks, we find someone that will play by our rules.”
“Yes. Things such as the Bull wears a condom. He stops when you say stop, only goes as far as you’re comfortable, and that I won’t participate, but I’ll be in the room. Stuff like that.”
“Good idea.”
They watched the TV show and went to bed.
The next morning while Shane was brushing his teeth, Susie barged in and said, “You’re having an affair, aren’t you?”
“What?” he replied. He looked surprised and confused..
She shook her finger at him and said, “The reason you want me to sleep with someone is that you already have, and you figure that if we both have done it, I won’t be able to get mad at you and divorce you.”
“Hold on,” Shane said. “One, I’ve never cheated on you. Two, this was your idea. And three, If I was interested in sleeping with other women, I would have steered you to consider an open marriage or swinging, but I didn’t. I haven’t asked for a free pass to have sex with another woman.”
“Why not?”
“Because I’m happy with the way things are. I understand where you’re coming from and it’s perfectly normal to feel the way you feel. You did miss out on normal teenage things, like playing the field, and I’m happy to let you have that experience now.”
“Oh,” Susie said and she walked out of the bathroom.
That evening, when they climbed into bed, Susie said, “Sorry about this morning and accusing you of being a low-down, cheating bastard.”
Shane laughed. Her face was red. His laughter was genuine and infectious, and she joined in.
“Did I marry an extraordinary man?” she said as she looked into his eyes and ran her hand through his thick hair. “You’d really let me kiss another man, suck his cock, or fuck him because I missed out experiencing other men because we became a couple when I was sixteen?”
“I’m amazing,” he jokingly said. He got serious and said, “This isn’t some unselfish magnanimous act.” He got out of bed, walked around to her side, pulled the sheets down, and said, “Get up”
She stood beside the bed.
He said, “Arms up.” She raised her arms, and he grabbed her nightshirt and pulled it over her head. She stood naked before him. He admired her body, caressed a breast, and said, “Now turn around and put your hands on the bed.
“What’s this all about?” she asked.
“Humor me.”
She spun around, bent over, and placed her hands on the bed. He tapped her tanned, inner thighs and she spread her legs. She looked over her shoulder and saw him smiling. He leered at her bottom, her asshole, and her trimmed pussy.
She looked at him with a bewildered look on her face and asked, “Do you want to have sex?”
“Yes. All the time.” He pulled his boxers off, showed her his erection, but didn’t move or touch her.
She giggled and asked, “Are you just going to stand there?”
“Yes. I’m looking at my wife naked. It’s a lovely sight, and you can see my reaction.”
She stood, turned around, put her hands on her hips, and asked, “What’s going on?”
“You asked if I was extraordinary. I’m not. I’m a normal, red-blooded man. I like to look at beautiful, naked women, and you fit the bill. I like to watch porn and see people fucking. The idea of seeing you naked, seeing you fucking appeals to me on an animalistic level.”
“I hadn’t thought about it that way.”
“We both will enjoy your encounters and after I watch my personal pornstar perform for me, I’m going to ravish you!” As he said those words, he embraced and kissed her.
He used her to satisfy his lust. He shoved his dick into her mouth. He ate her pussy until it was sloppy, and he fucked her hard like an animal. His level of desire was a couple of notches above his average, and she was the lucky beneficiary.
After that, she stopped asking him why he would let her be with other men. She knew it was because he loved her, wanted her to be happy, and because it would make him as horny as hell, and they’d have great sex after the Bull left.
They enjoyed discussing it. It was fun like when you plan a trip to Europe. Where should we go? What should we do? Eat. See. Experience.
They had this conversation after the kids were in bed and got so hot and bothered that they fucked their brains out.
One night, after having sex, Susie said, “My right boob is smaller than my left. My nipples point in different directions. I have stretch marks on my tummy from being pregnant, and my ass is so big I think it has its own zip code.”
“Woah. Where’s this coming from?”
“I’m not some hot, fit woman in her twenties. I’m thirty-years-old. I’ve birthed and breastfed two babies, and the wear-and-tear shows. You have to fuck me. Other men don’t.”
Shane laughed gently and said, “You’re being too hard on yourself. You’re beautiful and sexy.”
“You’re just saying that.”
“Because it’s true.” Shane got out of bed, pulled the covers off her, and said, “Picture time!” He grabbed his phone.
“What? Now? I’m a mess. All hot and sweaty.”
Her husband began taking pictures. “None of the photos will show your face. We’re keeping your identity a secret, so stop worrying about your makeup and hair.”
She stopped complaining and let him pose her. He took pics of her legs, her butt, her boobs, and the cream-pie oozing out of her freshly fucked vagina.
They created a profile on Reddit and asked men to comment on her body. They checked it the following night. There were some rude comments, some negative ones, and many, many positive ones.
“This guy didn’t like my boobs,” Susie said. “He says they’re too small.”
“He’s an asshole,” Shane said. “There are dozens of guys who love your breasts, your sexy, long legs, and the slutty pic where my sperm is oozing out of your pussy. There are many complimentary posts. Do you believe me now when I say you’re beautiful and sexy?”
“This has raised my self-esteem.”
“You should contact some of these guys. Talk. Flirt. Weed out the jerks and identify the nice guys. Find out who lives nearby or will travel to hook up with you. We’ll arrange a face-to-face meeting over coffee and if we’re all comfortable, go to a hotel.”
“I’m nervous. So we are going to do this?”
“Yes. Are you excited?”
“Me too. The game begins.”
For weeks Susie chatted with guys. Many didn’t meet her standards. She honed in on a few that seemed nice and genuine. She explained what she wanted and invited one to have coffee with her and Shane.
On the day of the meeting, Susie was a nervous wreck. “How do I look?” she asked for the tenth time as they were about to enter the coffee shop.
“As beautiful as always,” Shane replied and kissed her cheek. She was dressed smartly in white shorts and three-inch wedge sandals that showed off her great legs. She wore a casual red top with a ruffle across her smallish boobs that gave her bosom the appearance of more volume.
They had red carnations pinned to their shirts and scanned the room for someone with a red flower. A young man stood, smiled, and called out Susie and Shane’s aliases, “Tammy. Tommy.”
The couple smiled and sat down with John.
He was a good-looking, twenty-four-year-old country boy. He was big. Four inches taller and fifty pounds heavier than Shane, and none of it was fat. He was also nice, open, friendly, and guileless.
They talked.
Shane could see his wife was comfortable with him. He got up and bought coffee for everyone. When he returned, the two were laughing.
“Did I miss something?” Shane asked jovially.
“John was telling me a story,” Susie said. She reached out and put her hand on the big man’s forearm and said, “He’s funny.”
They talked more and everyone agreed they should take it to the next level. Shane repeated the rules. John nodded and said, “I understand. Tammy’s the boss.”
They went down the street to a hotel. Shane checked in, and the three went upstairs. Susie disappeared into the bathroom. The men discussed college football. John had played for the state agricultural university.
The bathroom door opened, Susie stuck her head out and said, “Tommy, can I have a word?”
Shane went to her; she closed the door and said, “I’m nervous.”
“That’s understandable. John’s a nice guy. Take it slow.”
“I’m a little apprehensive about being with John, but I know I’ll get over those jitters. The thought of making out with John in front of you scares the bejesus out of me. Could you wait in here for ten minutes? Let me deal with one set of nerves at a time?”
“Sure. Go break a leg,” Shane said and he kissed her cheek.
Susie walked out of the bathroom alone. She said, “I’m nervous, but also excited.”
“Me too,” John said.
“I’ve asked Tommy to give us a couple of minutes alone so we can break the ice. Please kiss me.”
The big man hurried over, wrapped his strong arms around her, and kissed her.
“Mmmm,” Susie moaned and felt her fears and misgivings melt away.
He swept her off her feet, carried her to the bed, and gently laid her on it. He lay beside her, and they kissed. They simply kissed.
Shane waited the allotted time, opened the door, and quietly sat in the corner. He saw John and his wife kissing and touching each other over their clothes. They sighed, moaned, and made out for half an hour.
Shane smiled and said to himself, “Look at them, necking like teenagers. That’s what she missed out on and exactly what she wanted.”
“You smell good, and you’re a good kisser,” Susie said as she blushed.
“You too,” John replied.
“Something big and hard is pressing against my thigh,” Susie teased. She giggled and added, “Can I see it?”
“I’d like to see more of you. Maybe we should get undressed.”
“Okay.” Susie pulled her top over her head and unhooked her bra. She held the cups against her chest for a second before letting them fall.
“You’re so beautiful,” John said. From the look of awe in his eyes, she knew he meant it. John got off the bed and quickly removed his shoes and all his clothing.
He was a physical specimen: a strong, muscular man with a farmer’s tan. His tan lines showed that he usually wore a short-sleeve shirt, He had a color on his face, neck, and from the middle of his biceps down. The rest of him was a pale white.
No one was looking at his tan. The man was built like a bull with a thick torso, strong haunches, and a big, fat cock. It was angry.
“Oh! You’re so big!” Susie exclaimed. “Everywhere!” She stood and stared. Shane stared too. The other man’s cock was longer and thicker than his. He wasn’t angry or jealous. He said to himself, “Susie is going to have fun with that.”
Susie came out of her stupor and said, “I’m sorry for staring.”
“That’s okay. I’m staring at your beautiful body and can’t hardly wait for you to take your drawers off.”
“Oh. Yes.” She took off her sandals, shorts, and underwear and stood naked in front of this stranger. She said, “I shaved.” Her face turned bright red, and she added, “I’m shaking and sound like an idiot. You can see I don’t have any pubic hair. Please hold me.”
John embraced her and said, “There. There. Calm down. You’re beautiful. I’m honored that you decided to meet me.” They returned to the bed, kissed, and touched each other everywhere. John feasted on and praised her breasts and nipples. She grasped, squeezed, and stroked his cock.
It wasn’t long before she was sucking his dick, and from the sounds they made both enjoyed it. He maneuvered her body so she was on top of him, and they six-nined. The moaning, groaning, and their breathing got louder.
“I’m going to cum,” John announced.
“Me too,” Susie said. She didn’t return his dick to her mouth fast enough. His cock exploded and cum landed on her face. She cried out in alarm and then cried out in bliss as his tongue made her climax. Her legs clamped down on his head. His penis continued to spew cum on her face.
They moaned and sighed as they felt sensations of pleasure from head to toe.
“That was great,” John said.
Susie rolled off him, giggled, and said, “No one has given me a cum facial before.”
“I didn’t mean to.”
“I know. It’s okay. I bet it washes off,” Susie said. She got off the bed and paused to give Shane a good look at her face. He said, “You’re beautiful. It looks like you’re having fun.”
“I am. Thank you.”
She ducked into the bathroom, peed, and cleaned up. When she emerged, her face was clean, her hair was combed, and her makeup touched up. She was holding a wet washcloth. She went to John, kissed his lips, and said, “Thank you. This is everything I’d hoped it would be.”
“You’re welcome. I’m enjoying it too.”
She used the washcloth to clean his limp dick. She giggled and said, “Actually, I lied. This has been great, but I was hoping for more. Can we… you know?”
“I’d love to have sex with you. Can I have another slice of putang-pie while we wait for me to get hard?”
“Putang-pie?” Susie said, confused.
John grabbed her playfully, put her on her back, and dove between her legs. He licked her pussy, took a break, and said, “What do you city folks call eating pussy? Dining at the ‘Y’? Eating a furburger, a pink taco, or a hot pocket?”
Everyone laughed.
John got serious about giving her oral sex. He used fingers, his tongue, and lips and didn’t stop until she screamed and came. She pushed his face away. He got up, went to the bathroom to pee, and wash his hands and face. When he returned, he lay beside her and gently caressed her perky breasts as she recovered.
“That was great,” she said. They kissed. She got on top of him. Soon she was straddling him and holding his big cock. He opened the condom wrapper, handed the rubber to her, and she slipped it on him. She raised her body and positioned the big, hard cock at the entrance of her vagina. She smiled at both men, mouthed ‘Thank you’ to her husband, and slowly lowered herself on John’s staff.
“Oh! This is wonderful!” she said.
She took her time taking all of him inside her. John was calm, he didn’t move, and he let her set the pace. She rocked tentatively on him, smiled, and moved faster.
John joined in.
Her little boobies bounced. John pulled and pinched her hard teats. She gritted her teeth and hissed, “Fuck!” each time he did it. She never told him to stop.
He stabbed her with his penis and played rough with her nipples. She rode him like she was on a galloping thoroughbred.
Their earlier orgasms allowed them to fuck for a long time. The tension built up inside them, and, like a dam bursting, they were flooded with pleasure.
Shane watched them sprawl in the bed, breathe deeply, and enjoy the good feelings their coupling had achieved. He was as hard as a rock.
The lovers recovered. They kissed and exchanged compliments and a desire to get together again. John showered and left. Susie, wrapped her naked body in a sheet, sat on her husband’s lap, and snuggled.
“You had fun,” Shane said, brushing her blonde hair off her forehead.
“I had fun. Thank you,” she said and kissed him. “Are you okay with what happened?”
“I’m okay. You put on a hell of a show for me.”
“I’m glad you liked it.” She moved to stand and said, “I’ll take a shower.”
He tightened his arms around her and prevented her from standing. “That’s not how this works,” Shane said.
“I am dirty and sweaty. Let me get cleaned up for you.”
“I will take you now. I’m reclaiming you: body, mind, and soul.” He kissed roughly and drove his tongue inside her mouth.
“Mmm,” she moaned, pleased with his passion, and signaled her desire to be his.
He kissed her, touched her breasts, and pinched her nipples as John had.
“Owe. Ouch,” she cried. In the heat of the moment with John, his abuse of her nipples increased her pleasure. Now, she only felt the pain. Still, she didn’t push his hand away. She took it as punishment for being with another man.
Shane stood, causing her to slide to the floor. He undid his pants, pulled down his underwear, and showed her his angry cock. It was purple because he’d been erect, and the blood was trapped in his penis for a long time.
She knelt in front of him, and her mouth latched onto his dick. She sucked and did all her tricks. Her husband was so horny that he came quickly.
“I’m cumming,” he announced. He pulled his pulsating cock out of her, stroked it, and shot jets of cum on her face and breasts. He’d never done that before. She stayed on her knees while he groaned and ejaculated on her.
He sat. After a brief rest, he said, “Get me hard again.”
She slurped his limp dick into her mouth and sucked and massaged it with her tongue. He played with her breasts, gently this time, and got a second erection.
“Up on the bed on your hands and knees,” he said. She did as she was told, and he got on his knees behind her. He rubbed the tip of his dick against her slick pussy lips. Was it her fluid or John’s cum? Neither knew the answer.
Shane shoved his dick inside her.
“Ahhh,” he sighed.
“Ohhh,” she cooed. He didn’t stretch her as John had, but he filled her well enough.
They rutted. It was an exceptionally charged and passionate coupling. To call it making love would be inaccurate. He dominated her, and she submitted. She was very wet. Even after all the sex she had had today, this felt good, right.
“I love you,” Shane said.
“I know. I love you too.”
Shane’s dick rubbed her G-spot. She climaxed with a long, loud cry. His mission accomplished, he took his release.
They lay in a heap, sweating and panting. When they recovered, they showered separately and got dressed.
“Thank you for today,” Susie said as she put on her sandals. “I liked everything. Did you?”
“Yes. Everything.” He went to her, looked her in the eyes, and said, “As I watched you and John. I felt so proud that you’re my wife. I apologize if I was rough with you. My desire to have sex with you has never been greater. He fuck you hard and well with that big cock of his. I felt the need to fuck you harder and better.”
She kissed him and said, “You did. I had a tremendous orgasm with you.”
“Do we do this again?” Shane asked.
“I’d like to.”
“Me too.” He smiled and said in a teasing manner, “Are all the guys you pick going to have giant cocks?”
She blushed and said, “I didn’t know he had a big one. I never asked. He didn’t say.”
“I’m teasing. Did it make it more fun?”
For three weeks after sleeping with John, Susie was on cloud nine. She and Shane had sex for twenty-one straight days!
Something would trigger a memory of her time with John, she’d get wet and find Shane. One morning, she woke having dreamt of John’s penis. She smiled, grabbed Shane’s cock, and sucked his dick.
“Oh, Baby. This is such a nice surprise.”
She giggled and continued to give him head.
“Susie, I going to cum.”
“Ohhhh,” Shane bellowed, and he filled her mouth with jism. She swallowed and smiled.
“Thanks,” he said. “What did I do to deserve that?”
“You’re my Stag, and you made me a Vixen. I woke up dreaming about my time with John and wanted to thank you for allowing me to have sex with him.
Another time, she wiped her vagina after peeing and felt stubble. “I was smooth when I was with John. What a nice man. So big, so strong, and what a penis!” She played with her clit. “Ohhh. I’ve got to find Shane.”
She went into the kitchen, passing Shane and the kids who were watching television in the family room. She checked on dinner and thought, “The casserole needs another fifteen minutes.”
She called out, “Shane, I need some help. Can you come here?”
“Sure.” He got up and went into the kitchen. His wife retreated into the laundry room/pantry, and he followed her. He saw her unzipping and stepping out of her skirt as she said, “Lock the door. I need a quickie.”
She removed her underwear, leaned over the washing machine, and stuck her bare butt out. She looked over her shoulder and said, “I’m wet, but I could use more lubricant. Lick my pussy and fuck me.”
Shane’s mouth fell open, and he stared at his wife.
“Get a move on. We don’t have all day.” Susie swished her bottom from side to side.
He dropped to his knees, fingered, and licked her pussy. When she was wet enough, he got his dick out and drove it inside her.
“Oh. Wonderful! I needed your dick.”
She dropped a hand to her clit, and masturbated while he fucked her. She came with a muffled cry; Shane came with a grunt. They rested and cleaned up with water from the sink in the laundry room.
Susie looked at her watch, got dressed, kissed her husband, and said, “Thanks. Dinner will be on the table in a few minutes.” She unlocked the door and headed out.
“Wait! I don’t have my pants on,” Shane complained. She paused, he finished dressing, and asked, “A John memory?”
“Yes. I’ll tell you about it later.”
It was Friday night. Susie and Shane had a babysitter because they were going out. Susie was wearing a bra and matching panties, standing in front of the bathroom mirror, and putting on eyeliner. She started laughing.
“What’s so funny?” Shane asked.
“Let me in on the joke.”
“Okay. don’t be mad.”
“I won’t.”
“As I was looking into the mirror putting my eye makeup, I was reminded of the time I looked into the mirror and was amazed to see John’s cum all over my face. I looked a fright. You saw it. Remembering it made me laugh.”
Shane unbuckled his belt and pulled down his pants.
“What are you doing, Honey? We’re meeting Taylor, Bree, and their husbands for drinks.”
“I’ve learned every time you have a John flashback, you get wet, horny, and we have sex. I’m getting ready.”
She laughed and said, “You’re right. Are you mad?”
“No, We’ve had more sex lately than we had on our honeymoon. How can I complain? What’s it going to be oral, anal, or vaginal?”
She chuckled, and her face turned red. “We don’t do anal! Can we ’69’? I could use an orgasm, and I love sucking your dick. I’d let you fuck me, but I’m afraid later tonight when I’m dancing, I’ll shake my ass, and your cum will fall out of me.”
They laughed and undressed. Shane confirmed the door was locked and joined his bride on the bed. They kissed. She flipped around, got on top of him, and they orally pleased the other.
The room was warm and smelled of pussy. She came, and he came. She swallowed, and he licked his lips. After a brief respite, they washed and got ready for their night out.
One night as she slipped into bed, Susie said, “I’d like to do it again.” She didn’t have to say what she wanted to do Shane knew. He said, “Okay.”
“Is it too soon?”
“I don’t think so?”
“How often is too much?”
“When it interferes with our regular life.”
She beamed and looked giddy as she said, “I’ve found someone I think is a good candidate.”
“Okay. Tomorrow I’ll look over your emails. Have you explained the rules to him?”
“You don’t want to see John?”
“I do, but every month is too much. Don’t you think?”
“I agree. Maybe three or four times a year. After all, your goal was to meet lots of people and kiss a lot of boys.”
“Exactly!” She kissed him ardently. They leisurely made loved hitting all the right spots – her lips, neck, breasts, and vagina. She lavished kisses on him, gave him a BJ, and fucked him in four positions before they orgasmed and fell asleep.